Simulation of ischemic stroke by the bilateral ligation of the common carotid arteries in white rats resulted in the formation of the capillary network endothelial dysfunction IV-V cortical layers and cerebrum membrane vessels, the vascular plexus of the cerebrum ventricles, the central cerebri and the ophthalmic arteries branches, that was reflected a significant reduction in endotheliocytes densities, a decrease in the RNA concentration, expression of vaskular endotelial growth factor (VEGF) and a significant inhibition of endothelial cell proliferation activity index. Intraperitoneally "Lysiniy" appointment for 21-days at a dose of 50 mg / kg into rats with stroke led to increased endotheliocytes density of the cerebral cortex capillary network by 21% and the brain vascular wall by 21% and increased the RNA content in the endotheliocytes nucleus by 48% and 34% respectively on the 4th day of the experimental therapy. By the 21 day of lysine therapy there was an increasing of endotheliocytes density of the cerebral cortex capillary endothelial network by 32% and the brain vascular wall by 23% and increasing the RNA concentration in the endotheliocytes nucleus by 11% and 28%, increasing the proliferating endotheliocytes density in the vessels by 34 % and 42% and increasing the concentration of VEGF in the capillary network and the vessels of the brain by 21% and 40% respectively. The introduction of the reference drug "Piracetam" did not have endoteliotropic action.